Good on you,  Phillip,

Get stuck into the Archbishop - and while you're about it, put Queen
Elizabeth 11 in her place, too.

Having a clergyman renege on the responsibilities and duty of the Office of
the Executive of our Government is rubbing salt into the wound.

The Coronation Oath and the Oath of Allegiance are apparently meaningless to
these people.

Might well you say "God Save the Queen" because the Archbishop doesn't seem
inclined to do so.

Yours sincerely,

John Wilson.

-----Original Message-----
Date: Wednesday, 23 May 2001 8:39

>Would you please note that correspondence to the Australian Monarchist
League should be addressed us at: P O Box 1068, Double Bay  NSW  1360.
>I have come under a great deal of criticism for daring to oppose the
nomination of and acceptance by Archbishop Peter Hollingworth for the
highest office under The Crown of Governor-General.
>If I,  as National Chairman of the Australian Monarchist League,  must be
muted on these issues,  then what worth is our democracy.
>I believe that there is no transgression in justified criticism,  even
against members of the Royal Family.  Rather,  the fault is in slavishly
paying obeisance.
>For the edification of those interested I append below a copy of a letter I
had written to the Archbishop.  I have had no reply,  not do I anticipate
>With regards,
>Philip Benwell
>National Chairman
>Australian Monarchist League
>The Most Rev'd Peter Hollingworth AO OBE
>Archbishop of Brisbane
>Your Grace,
>We must admit to concerns over Your Grace's open dalliance with support for
a republic which we believe could well taint you for the high office to
which you are to be installed.  We would like to clarify matters for you are
to be our Governor-General and we are to be your People.
>We note that at the Constitutional Convention you did not simply observe
and comment on matters pertaining to the Christian nature of our
Constitution,  but was actually a very active participant,  presenting
reports from working groups and seconding motions and you are even reported
as having said that the Australian People "would be fools" not to vote for a
>We remain disturbed at your inference at the Convention that the term 'God'
in the Preamble is meant in a generic sense whereas the actual wording is
'Almighty God'.
>Whilst it is true that you abstained from voting on the final day of the
Convention,   we note that you consistently voted along with the republicans
in favour of the 'Turnbull' Model in rounds one to four on the 12th February
>The final motion on that day was "That, if Australia is to become a
republic,  this Convention recommends that the model adopted be the
Bi-Partisan Appointment of a President Model" to which you voted in favour.
>It was only on the vote on the following day,  the 13th February 1998 for
the motion: "That this Convention supports in Principle, Australia becoming
a republic" that you abstained.  You have since been reported as saying that
this was because you felt the model proposed to be unstable.  If this was
so,  why then did you not vote against it?
>We are disappointed that our calls for prayers for The Queen on special
occasions,  the last being for Her Majesty's 75th birthday,  have never been
acknowledged by you or your staff.  We have also over time received numerous
concerns from monarchists that their communications to you have been
>It would be to the benefit of us all if these concerns could be clarified.
Notwithstanding this,  we wish to assure you that as Governor-General you
will have our complete loyalty.
>Philip Benwell

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