
Other users have issues with the safari browser. We do not qualify knoodl on
safari, just firefox and IE.

If you have specific issues with the knoodl privacy policy, we would like to
know what concerns you have. We intend the privacy policy to work for broad
based community development of knowledgebases.

The instance browsing capability you are looking for is being coded now, and
should be available on the public site in february, 2009.We have
iinvestigated numerous open source RDF browsers and visualization tools and
without exception they all have challanges. In the end we decided it was
simpler to build our own. Ontology browsing and visualization turns out to
be more complex that it seems it should be, having mostly to do with the
need to build in query optimizations, caching, and persistance so that
relatively large ontologies can be browsed with decent response time. None
of the open source ontology browsers we looked at had these "performance
enhancing" capabilities available.


On Mon, Dec 1, 2008 at 7:39 PM, John Graybeal <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> The privacy policy of knoodl is worth a look before you put your stuff on
> it.  In a brief bit of tryout I couldn't make a number of things work --
> particularly visualization, I was really hoping for that one! -- but maybe
> it's because I'm Safari/Mac-ish?  Or operator error.
> Anyway, I second the request for a really robust visualization package.
> BioPortal uses FlexViz (
>, which would be
> really nice for us if we could make it see instances (haven't looked into it
> yet).  But it's pretty cool as is.  I don't know that FlexViz is separately
> released or accessible for anyone, but it's the kind of thing I think we're
> looking for (a hyperbolic tree a la TouchGraph would be so neat).
> john
> On Dec 1, 2008, at 12:56 PM, Michael Lang(Jr.) wrote:
>  Hi Andreas,
>> is a web-based, vocabulary browser/editor which supports
>> all that you ask for.  It is publicly hosted and is free to use.  Let me
>> know if you would like any more information.
>> Mike Lang

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