Thanks Kingsley.
Getting there, I think/hope.
So exactly what is the URI?
I run something like
select *
   ?s ?p "ZNF492"
and get back things like, but
these are not URIs in the Amazon cloud, and so if that is where I was
serving my Linked Data from, they are not right.
Would it look something like or
something else?
Or is it just that neurocommons is not offering resolvable URIs on the EC2
(if I understand the term), but they could switch on something (in
Virtuoso?) that would give me back resolvable URIs on Amazon?

And I am also now wondering who pays when I curl the Amazon URI?
It can't be me, as I have no account.
It isn't the person who put the data there, as you said it was being hosted
for free.
I assume that it means that it must be the EC2 owner, who is firing up the
Virtuoso magic to deliver the RDF for the resolved URI?


On 07/12/2008 03:34, "Kingsley Idehen" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Hugh Glaser wrote:
>> Thanks Kingsley.
>> In case I am still misunderstanding, a quick question:
>> On 06/12/2008 23:53, "Kingsley Idehen" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> ...
>>> Linking Open Data Sets on the Web, is about publishing RDF archives with
>>> the following characteristics:
>>> 1. De-referencable URIs
>> ...
>> So if someone decides to follow this way and puts their Linked Data in the
>> Amazon cloud using this method, can I de-reference a URI to it using my
>> normal browser or curl it from my machine?
> Hugh,
> Absolutely!
> For instance, a EC2 based instance of DBpedia will do the following:
> 1. Localize the de-referencing task (i.e. not pass this on to general
> public instance of DBpedia)
> 2. Project triples that connect back to the <> via
> owl:sameAs (*this was basically what Dan was clarifying in our exchange
> earlier this week*)
> The fundamental goal is to use Federation to propagate Linked Data
> (meme, value prop., and business models) :-)
> btw - Neurocommons is a data set is now live at the following locations:
> 1. (*temporary as I simply used this to set
> up the AMI and verify the entire DB construction process)
> 2. (*instance set up
> by Hugh to double-verify what I did*)
> Neurcommons takes about 14hrs+ to construct under the best of
> circumstances. The process is now 1.15 hrs and you have your own
> personal or service specific neurocommons database.
> Next stop, Bio2Rdf :-)
>> Thanks.
>> Hugh
> --
> Regards,
> Kingsley Idehen       Weblog:
> President & CEO
> OpenLink Software     Web:

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