
You should rename the namespace declaration for dbpedia from _9 to something else, perhaps dbp I think the namespace needs to start with a character, that is ^[A-Za-z].

I would also change the following triple you assert :


<http://rdftest.mqlx.com/ns/guid.9202a8c04000641f8000000007272929> <http://rdftest.mqlx.com/ns/common.webpage.uri > "http://bladerunnerthemovie.warnerbros.com/"; .


<http://rdftest.mqlx.com/ns/guid.9202a8c04000641f8000000007272929> <http://rdftest.mqlx.com/ns/common.webpage.uri > <http://bladerunnerthemovie.warnerbros.com/> .

The trailing / on the domain is good (that caught me out recently) but I would change the warnerbros web resource be represented as a URI and not a literal value :)

You also emit what looks like http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#date

The following triple could be data-typed :

<http://rdftest.mqlx.com/ns/en.blade_runner> <http://rdftest.mqlx.com/ns/film.film.initial_release_date > "1982-06-25" .

to :

<http://rdftest.mqlx.com/ns/en.blade_runner> <http://rdftest.mqlx.com/ns/film.film.initial_release_date > "1982-06-25"^^<http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#date> .

I think (not certain thought) that the year literal value you emit in several places is a ISO 8601 date, i.e. "1983". I would be tempted to emit it as a xsd:date (as above), or even an integer in the worst case scenario.

As above the following literal should be a URI :

"http://rogerebert.suntimes.com/apps/pbcs.dll/article?AID=/20071103/REVIEWS08/71103001/1023 "

And finally I dont think I would have chosen to use bnodes in this document. I would have ditched the intermediary bnode, and used the object uri as the predicate. I would change these :

_:genid9 <http://rdftest.mqlx.com/ns/type.key.namespace> <http://rdftest.mqlx.com/ns/authority.imdb.title > .
_:genid9 <http://rdftest.mqlx.com/ns/type.value.value> "tt0083658" .
<http://rdftest.mqlx.com/ns/en.blade_runner> <http://rdftest.mqlx.com/ns/type.object.key > _:genid9 .

to this :

<http://rdftest.mqlx.com/ns/en.blade_runner> <http://rdftest.mqlx.com/ns/authority.imdb.title > "tt0083658" .

Which seems consistent with the rest of the triples.

I hope this helps/makes sense,


On 13 Mar 2009, at 20:49, Seo Sanghyeon wrote:

2009/3/14 Jamie Taylor <ja...@metaweb.com>:
Seo -

Yes, this is a bug in the current LOD/RDF interface to Freebase. I believe
it is fixed in the upcoming release, which can be previewed at

I checked turtle output with:
rapper -i turtle http://rdftest.mqlx.com/ns/en.blade_runner

Please give this sandbox version of the interface a try. I'm interested in
feedback from others on the list as well.

Thanks! Now I get:

$ rapper -i turtle http://rdftest.mqlx.com/ns/en.blade_runner
rapper: Parsing URI http://rdftest.mqlx.com/ns/en.blade_runner with
parser turtle
rapper: Serializing with serializer ntriples
rapper: Error - URI http://rdftest.mqlx.com/rdf/en/blade_runner:2 -
syntax error at '_'
rapper: Failed to parse URI http://rdftest.mqlx.com/ns/en.blade_runner
turtle content

Seo Sanghyeon

Mischa Tuffield
ECS - http://www.ecs.soton.ac.uk
Homepage - http://users.ecs.soton.ac.uk/mmt04r/
Identity - http://id.ecs.soton.ac.uk/person/6914

Mischa Tuffield
Email: mischa.tuffi...@garlik.com
Homepage - http://mmt.me.uk/
FOAF - http://mmt.me.uk/foaf.rdf

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