Hugh Glaser wrote:
Hi Kingsley,
I think you were doing the conflating, which is why you confused me talking 
about tabs :-)
I was never talking about anything other than
being labelled a "linked data browser".
Ah! I saw that part, but I naturally responded to the: what Sherman is doing (based on my proximity to him).

He just isn't using the Sponger which is the HTTP URI de-referencing engine within Virtuoso, since his first point of call was the Faceted Browsing Engine which is scoped to local store data :-)

In fact, if you see my other post, you will see that I suggest as a linked data browser!
Sure :-)

Too much data today !


On 16/05/2009 01:06, "Kingsley Idehen" <> wrote:

Hugh Glaser wrote:
I have difficulty in interpreting what you say - we are looking at the same "linked 
data browser" page?:
All I can see is a page that says: "Lookup things named "" " So the only 
possibility of linked data browsing is to put in something with a name.
So I put something topical in (from this list).
Since I see
  <Station rdf:about="";>
    <foaf:name xml:lang="en">Manchester Piccadilly</foaf:name>
I try "Manchester Piccadilly" and get some response, but nothing leads me to or any of the data I find there.
Similarly topical from this list, I find no way of browsing or getting to that page by searching 
for "Keith Alexander".

You are kind of conflating two things:

1.  -- a client interacting with a
2. -- an instance of a Quad Store (Virtuoso)
that includes a Faceted Browsing Engine that is also accessible via REST
APIs (in addition to the  SPARQL protocol and other services)
I also see no way of doing "3. Raw URI Lookup" of this URI.

You can do a raw URI lookup at: , there are 3
Tabs on the home page (self explanatory etc..).
I assert that if this is a "linked data browser", then since conforms (I think) to "How to Publish 
Linked Data on the Web", then I should be able to browse it using the browser.

My responses have nothing to do with: .

I am sure you know ODE can do what you describe.

If I can't, then it is not a "linked data browser".

If you are referring to:, then I am sure you
know ODE [1] is just a VAD installation away, we just haven't installed
ODE or enabled sponging on this instance because it is still a in "hot
staging" mode.
Of course, this browser is very capable of browsing your excellent single site, 
but that is not the same thing, I am sorry to say.

Thank you for pointing out this is not in EC2. -- is on EC2. I am not taking about
it though.

I have difficulty working out what is in the cloud and what is not, as it 
appears to be opaque, which I think is the idea.

Maybe, but I think we are done with what this means - in our world view
-  in prior conversations etc..

The most important thing Sherman is trying to do is provide an
alternative interface to <> and validate the
prowess of the REST API that was built to address the challenge known
as: Web Scale Faceted Browsing :-)

As per my response to David earlier, more interesting revelations to
come next week.

On 15/05/2009 21:16, "Kingsley Idehen" <> wrote:

Hugh Glaser wrote:

Dear Sherman,
It's great to have more activity, and all strength to you.
However, I would like to ask if you could modify some of your description to 
more accurately reflect what it is doing.
Referring to the dataset as the "public LOD cloud instance of Virtuoso" 
suggests that it is browsing all the LOD data, which it is not.
Also, I am not sure it is right to call it a "linked data browser"; I can't 
work out how to use it to browse any other sites than the Virtuoso EC2 one.


What do you mean by: I can't work out how to use it to browse any other
sites than the Virtuoso EC2 one? For starters, this isn't an EC2 hosted
instance. Its a huge Quad Store with 4.5 Billion+ (and counting)
triples. You find entities and their descriptions via:

1. Full Text Search Patterns
2. Entity URI Lookup by Label
3. Raw URI Lookup

There is a Tab for each.

When you find an entity and open up its description, you can click on
"Statistics" to explore other relationships and/or how we've handle
owl:sameAs, IFPs etc..

If the above, don't get you where you want to be, then you can also
start from the VoiD graph at:
And of course, if all fails, you can simply use the SPARQL endpoint at: .

If data is missing simply give me an example of a query that works in
your data space and we'll look into why its missing in ours.


PS Sorry to those who feel I have been here before, but I think there are 
important things here.

Hugh Glaser,  Reader
              Dependable Systems & Software Engineering
              School of Electronics and Computer Science,
              University of Southampton,
              Southampton SO17 1BJ
Work: +44 (0)23 8059 3670, Fax: +44 (0)23 8059 3045
Mobile: +44 (0)75 9533 4155, Home: +44 (0)23 8061 5652

On 13/05/2009 18:42, "Sherman Monroe" <> wrote:

Hi All,

Taking inspiration from Longwell[1] and Parallax[2], I present yet another 
linked data browser[3]. It uses the Virtuoso Facets Web service API [4] and 
runs against the public LOD cloud instance of Virtuoso [5]. I believe such 
faceted search UIs could be a nice compromise between SPARQL and a full-blown 
Cypher-based NL user interface[6].

Feedback appreciated.


- Click a breadcrumb at the top to navigate your query path
- Click "Your query" to view the filter details, click the nodes there to 
navigate the path, click the icons there to modify the filter
- Click the green plus sign button to add a filter
- Click the blue undo button to unbound a node value


I was amazed in the many instances where I got better results from LOD dataspace than 
from Google/Technorati/Wikipedia. For example, searching Monopoly, then filtering to 
the umbel-sc:MentalSituations category gave me a nice (and in some cases humorous) 
list of Monopoly knock-offs. I tried finding such a list on the WWW with no luck 
<> . Kingsley tells me that 
Entity Rank [4] has to do with this, but I wonder whether this quality will stick as 
the cloud increases.





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