Michael Hausenblas wrote:

We'd like to draw your attention to the second edition of the Linking Open
Data Triplification Challenge, again collocated with the I-Semantics [1]
Please see http://triplify.org/Challenge/2009 for details on submission and
prices. Note that submission deadline is 9 August 2009.

With the recent uptake of structured data/RDF by major players such as
Google the motivation for exposing relational data and other structured data
sources on the Web entered a new stage. We encourage participants to publish
existing structured (relational) representations, which are already backing
most of the existing Web sites and demonstrate useful and usable
applications on top of it.

The challenge awards attractive prices (MacBook Air or 1000€, and other
prices) to the most innovative and promising triplifications. We thank our
sponsors Ontos AG [2] and Punkt.NetServices [3] for supporting this
challenge. Cheers, Michael (on behalf of the Organizing Committee)

[1] http://www.i-semantics.at
[2] http://www.ontos.com/
[3] http://www.punkt.at/

Micheal et. al,

Note, that it is now possible to produce a Data Source Ontology and Instance Data from ODBC and JDBC accessible data sources using a Virtuoso Conductor (Admin UI) hosted Wizard (I'll make a screencast very soon to demonstrate this feature). You don't have to write a single line of code, it's now completely automated.

The steps are simply as follows (assuming your SQL Data isn't Virtuoso hosted i.e. external):

1. Use the Virtual Database feature to Link any ODBC or JDBC accessible DBMS into Virtuoso
2. Go to the RDF Schema Tab
3. Select the list of tables or views that you seek to expose in RDF Linked Data form
4. Click "Generate"
5. Answer questions presented re. deployment endpoint
6. Done!

You will end up with the following:

1. Data Source Ontology (with de-referencable URIs for Classes and Properties) derived from the Relational Schema
2. Instance Data for the Data Source Ontology
3. Re-write rules for handling resource and resource description disambiguation aspect of Linked Data URI de-referencing.

RDF Views still provide significant performance advantages over RDF Stores when the source is Relational. Also note, that you can further finesse the generated ontology (e.g., mesh it with others) and instance data scripts for more complex mappings.

Also, note the following about Virtuoso's RDF Views:

1. It's based on SQL for generating the data used in the RDF Views
2. it's based on SPARQL for actual graph pattern declarations.

We describe the above as being SPASQL based because the SPARQL inside SQL is processed via the SQL processor (i.e. you can execute these constructs via ODBC, JDBC, or ADO.NET sessions against Virtuoso instances).

You can also use the Sponger to produce RDF Linked Data from SQL and other HTTP accessible data sources [2][3].


1. http://virtuoso.openlinksw.com/dataspace/dav/wiki/Main/VOSSQL2RDF
2. http://virtuoso.openlinksw.com/dataspace/dav/wiki/Main/VirtSponger
3. http://virtuoso.openlinksw.com/Whitepapers/html/VirtSpongerCartridgeProgrammersGuide.html



Kingsley Idehen       Weblog: http://www.openlinksw.com/blog/~kidehen
President & CEO OpenLink Software Web: http://www.openlinksw.com

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