Deadline extended to 15th June
Beautiful Ontologies, a special issue of Applied Ontology

Calling experts on ontology modeling, representation and design, as well as ontology users, to contribute to a special issue of Applied Ontology on `Beautiful Ontologies'.

Guest editors:
Mathieu d’Aquin (Knowledge Media Institute, the Open University, UK - ) Aldo Gangemi (Semantic Technology Lab, ISTC-CNR, Italy - )

Deadline: 15th June 2009

Ontologies are design artifacts, to which quality notions like appropriateness, coverage, efficiency, sustainability, and elegance apply. Classical approaches to assess the quality of ontologies mostly involve automatic metrics on the structure of ontologies, unit tests, or the manual assessment by domain experts, ontology experts or users, normally using formal, objective criteria.

In this special issue, we want to approach this topic from a different perspective. We would like to invite internationally recognized experts on ontology engineering, as well as ontology practitioners and users to contribute by providing positive examples of good, interesting and elegant ontology designs – i.e., ‘beautiful ontologies’. There is no constraint on the chosen ontology, on its format, on the formalism in which it is implemented, on the domain it describes, on its creator(s) or even on its 'score' according to classical evaluation methods. However, each beautiful ontology article should clearly explain why, according to the author, the chosen ontology is interesting and how it contributes to the overall discussion on ontology quality.

By gathering in this way different views on concrete examples, we hope to achieve a better understanding of quality ontology design, providing a concrete reference for less experienced ontology practitioners as well as an ethnographic basis for collecting best practices in ontology design. As such, this initiative relates directly to others in the domain, like the portal, and might generate direct contributions to them.


We seek submissions of articles discussing either an existing ontology as a whole, an ontology module, an ontology design pattern or even a particular characteristic of an ontology (including the way it has been used or applied). In order to collect a wide range of contributions, we encourage the submission of both long and short papers. In both cases, articles will be selected according to the journal's standard and high quality will be expected.

Submissions to this special issue will be subject to peer-review. After a pre-selection step, in order to ensure that the highest possible quality is achieved for the contributions, the review and selection process will also include a second phase involving interactions and discussions between the authors, the guest editors and, when appropriate, the original creators of the considered ontologies.

Submissions should be sent by the 1st of June 2009 to , with CC to Any question regarding this special issue can be addressed to Mathieu d'Aquin (

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