
Try to find what you are looking for here:


By the way, anyone knows where can I find a dump for OAI-ORE base?

Best regards,


Luciano B. de Paula
DCA - FEEC - Unicamp

--- Em ter, 2/6/09, रविंदर ठाकुर (ravinder thakur) <ravindertha...@gmail.com> 

> De: रविंदर ठाकुर (ravinder thakur) <ravindertha...@gmail.com>
> Assunto: lod data and ontologies
> Para: "public-lod@w3.org" <public-lod@w3.org>
> Data: Terça-feira, 2 de Junho de 2009, 13:31
> hello friends,
> i am trying to find out if the any piece of
> the vast amount of data merged into LOD has followed any
> particular
> ontology or not... if not, has anyone tried to modify any
> part of this
> data to comply to some ontology ? 
> thanks
> ravinder thakur

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