On Tue, Jun 23, 2009 at 10:12 AM, Dan Brickley <dan...@danbri.org> wrote:

> On 23/6/09 11:01, Martin Hepp (UniBW) wrote:
>  And Michael, please be frank - there is a tendency in the LOD community
>> which goes along the lines of "OWL and DL-minded SW research has proven
>> obsolete anyway, so we LOD guys and girls just pick and use the bits and
>> pieces we like and don't care about the rest".
>  What made the Web so powerful is that its Architecture is extremely
>> well-thought underneath the first cover of simplicity.
> One of those principles is partial understanding - the ability to do
> something useful without understanding everything...


We should also remember that multiple ontologies may exist that cover a
given term. I think this is often forgotten. There is no requirement that
the ontology statements retrieved by dereferencing the URI should be used -
they are only provided as _an_ additional source of information. There may
be many other ways to discover relevant ontologies and a large class of
those will be for private use. If I choose to assert that dc:date and
rev:createdOn are owl:equivalentProperties then that is my prerogative. The
beauty of the semweb is that I can publish my assertions and potentially
other people could choose to adopt them.


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