>> Therefore rather than deciding for either RDFa or a content-negotiated
>> approach, why not do both (and provide a dump file too)
> Exactly!


You can provide a translation of your rdfa<http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/RDFa>
+xhtml <http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/XHTML> into normal
GRDDL <http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/GRDDL>.

That basically means into putting a profile attribute into your <head> tag
which points to a resource which says "This is how you pull out RDF from

<head profile="http://ns.inria.fr/grddl/rdfa/";>

You could provide links to an installation of Cognition or similar to
extract that on the fly - http://buzzword.org.uk/swignition/grddl

More at
Zemanta <http://www.zemanta.com> helped me add links & pictures to this
email. It can do it for you too. <http://www.zemanta.com/>

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