On Thu, 2009-06-25 at 11:59 +0200, Bernhard Schandl wrote:

> However many "newbies" to RDF and ontologies are confused by this,  
> because the triple
> foaf:Agent foaf:holdsAccount foaf:OnlineAccount .
> is actually not contained in the ontology.

What needs to be communicated is that:

[ a foaf:Agent ] foaf:holdsAccount [ a foaf:OnlineAccount ] .

instead. Those triples are not actually in the ontology itself, but will
be found (or at least implied) in any instance data that makes use of
the foaf:holdsAccount property.

> [1] <http://www.ifs.univie.ac.at/schandl/2009/06/domain+range_bad.png>
> [2] <http://www.ifs.univie.ac.at/schandl/2009/06/domain 
> +range_better.png>

Something like this might be a nice visualisation:


At least, it works for small examples like this, but would probably
become messy if you wanted to illustrate a more complex set of

Toby A Inkster

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