
(sorry, somehow your message didn't make it to me ...)

On 26/6/09 18:22, Tim rdf wrote:
[1] http://www.ifs.univie.ac.at/schandl/2009/06/domain+range_bad.png

is indicating that

foaf:holdsAccount rdfs:domain foaf:Agent; rdfs:range foaf:OnlineAccount .

Is constraining a property with BOTH a domain and range a good design
pattern? It seems rather short-sighted with respect to reuse and extension.

Domain and range are no restrictions in that sense; rather they extend the possible (!) interpretations of resources. Hence you don't say, "you can use foaf:holdsAccount only with foaf:Agent and foaf:OnlineAccount", but rather, "if something has a foaf:holdsAccount property then you can interpret it as foaf:Agent, and the value of this property can be interpreted as foaf:OnlineAccount".

IMO this is one of the greatest strengths of modelling with RDF(S) and OWL.

Best, Bernhard

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