Sören Auer wrote:
Chris Bizer wrote:
I’m regularly following Alon Halevy blog as I really like his thoughts on dataspaces [1].

I've the impression that's pretty much what DabbleDB [1] and others already do for ages even better than Google. Or am I wrong?


[1] http://dabbledb.com/


Think of DabbleDB as a webby EAV/CR model equivalent of Microsoft Access.

If they decide to imbibe the Linked Data meme, we would end up with something truly exciting for high level interaction with the Linked Data Web.

btw - DabbleDB is written in SmallTalk, the inspiration for Objective-C', that also provide inspiration for HTTP.

All we want to do is put stuff in spaces that endow each data object with HTTP based Identifiers in line with the Linked Data meme, once this is done, data fusion (or data meshing) becomes incidental and implicit.



Kingsley Idehen       Weblog: http://www.openlinksw.com/blog/~kidehen
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