Externalizing the 303 feature is the good idea, imo.

But such a service should also handle the content negociation feature.
So the 303 may redirect to different URLs depending on the content
negociated. This makes the service more complex internally but
provides a very relevant service for RDF publishers (i.e they just
have to take care of one config on their server : mime-types).
Plus managing the redirect  is as easy as changing the xml:base of
their RDF/XML.

On Wednesday, July 8, 2009, David Booth <da...@dbooth.org> wrote:
>  On Wed 08/07/09  5:08 PM , Olivier Rossel olivier.ros...@gmail.com sent:
>> Do you mean that all deferencable URIs of a RDF document should have
>> their domain name to end with t-d-b.org, so their resolution leads to
>> the TDB server which redirects to the final location?
> No, I'm not suggesting that *all* deferenceable RDF URIs should use 
> t-d-b..org.  I'm just pointing out that it is an alternative if you cannot 
> configure your own server to do 303 redirects.  Using it does require putting 
> "http://t-d-b.org?"; at the beginning of your URI, so if you do not want to do 
> that then you should use a different approach.  To be clear, if you use this 
> approach, then instead of writing a URI such as
>           http://example/mydata.rdf
> you would write it as
>          http://t-d-b.org?http://example/mydata.rdf
> and if that URI is dereferenced, the 303-redirect service will automatically 
> return a 303 redirect to
>         http://example/mydata.rdf
> David Booth
>> On Wednesday, July 8, 2009, David Booth <da...@dbooth
>> .org> wrote:> On Wed, 2009-07-08 at 15:50 +0100,
>> Pierre-Antoine Champin wrote:> [ . . . ]
>> >> ok, the solutions proposed here (by myself
>> and others) still involve>> editing the .htaccess.
>> >
>> > Once again, use of a 303-redirect service such
>> as> http://thing-described-by.org/ or
>> http://t-d-b.org/> does not require *any* configuration or
>> .htaccess editing.  It does not> address the problem of setting the content 
>> type
>> correctly, but it *does*> provide an easy way to generate 303 redirects,
>> in conformance with "Cool> URIs for the Semantic Web":
>> > http://www.w3.org/TR/cooluris/#r303gendocument>
>> > Hmm, I thought the use of a 303-redirect service
>> was mentioned in "Cool> URIs for the Semantic Web", but in looking
>> back, I see it was in "Best> Practice Recipes for Publishing RDF
>> Vocabularies":> http://www.w3.org/TR/swbp-vocab-pub/#redirect
>> > Maybe it should be mentioned in a future version
>> of the Cool URIs> document as well.
>> >
>> >
>> > --
>> > David Booth, Ph.D.
>> > Cleveland Clinic (contractor)
>> >
>> > Opinions expressed herein are those of the
>> author and do not necessarily> reflect those of Cleveland Clinic.
>> >
>> >
>> >

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