ying ding wrote:
Hi Toby,

It is a great idea. But how can you handle the security issue as your data are sensitive. Currently, I am not aware of the security implementation for RDF and SPARQL. Glad to hear other's opinion on the security problem of SW.


We do have FOAF+SSL, and it does offer critical foundation for policy based data access that can be applied to SPARQL endpoints, specific Named Graphs, or specific Resource HTTP URIs. Basically, it is capable of enabling you to state that a resource, published to the Web via your Personal Data Space, can only be *read* by your relatives | friends | employers etc.. (via foaf:Groups for instance) .


1. http://esw.w3.org/topic/foaf+ssl
2. http://virtuoso.openlinksw.com/dataspace/dav/wiki/Main/VirtAuthPolicyFOAFSSL



Toby Inkster wrote:
I think this is a great idea for a project, but I don't have time to do it myself...

1. Set up a wiki (pref MediaWiki) for people to publish their CVs/Resumés. This might need slightly different access restrictions than normal MediaWiki installations to prevent people from negatively editing others' CVs.

2. The site would provide a bunch of MediaWiki "templates" which would expose the CV data as XHTML+RDFa using the FOAF and DOAC vocabs primarily.

3. The site would provide a conformance checking tool for CV authors, using RDFS and OWL reasoning, and perhaps in-built knowledge of FOAF and DOAC, to look at individual CVs and check them for contradictions. (e.g. range/domain conflicts.)

4. The site would provide a "dictionary" of skills, each with a URI, for more standardised markup of a person's skillset.

5. A bot would monitor the "recent changes" RSS feed (is this valid RSS 1.0 - i.e. RDF? If not, it could maybe be fixed.) finding CVs which had recently been changed. Each of these would be parsed as RDFa and entered into a big, communal triple store (using the URL of the CV page as a graph name for easy maintenance).

6. A SPARQL endpoint would be exposed for the big triple store.

7. People could write various human-friendly forms as a wrapper for the SPARQL endpoint. The cviki community would vote on the best of these, and the winner would be placed on the Wiki front page.



Kingsley Idehen       Weblog: http://www.openlinksw.com/blog/~kidehen
President & CEO OpenLink Software Web: http://www.openlinksw.com

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