
We are working on this issue with our DSNotify [1] approach. Our solution is based on indexing subgraphs of available LD graphs and deriving feature vectors (FV) for each indexed resource. By comparing the sets of newly detected, recently removed and indexed FVs, we can detect create, remove, update and "move" [2] events in LD sources. These events are logged and can be accessed via a Java API, an XML-RPC interface, and an HTTP interface.

We are also developing a vocabulary (and a corresponding API) that can be used to describe so-called eventsets: sets of events that occurred in a particular data source. This vocab is based on LODE and SCOVO and a first draft will be published soon
on our website.

But DSNotify is not ready to index the whole Web of Data. It may rather be used as an add-on for particular data providers that want to keep a high level of link integrity in their data (because the reported events may be used by the data provider to update
its hosted data/links).

Other related approaches:
- Triplify's Linked Data Up-date Log [3]
- Silk's Web of Data Link Maintenance Protocol [4]

best regards,

[1] http://dsnotify.org/
[2] The main purpose of DSNotify is to detect "move" events in data sources, i.e., when resources are published with different identifiers (e.g., under a different HTTP URI). Although this should not be the case theoretically (URIs should be "cool") it happens quite often in reality, see our paper for details.
[3] http://triplify.org/vocabulary/update
[4] http://www4.wiwiss.fu-berlin.de/bizer/silk/wodlmp/

Georgi Kobilarov wrote:
Hi all,

I'd like to start a discussion about a topic that I think is getting
increasingly important: RDF update feeds.

The linked data project is starting to move away from releases of large data
dumps towards incremental updates. But how can services consuming rdf data
from linked data sources get notified about changes? Is anyone aware of
activities to standardize such rdf update feeds, or at least aware of
projects already providing any kind of update feed at all? And related to
that: How do we deal with RDF diffs?


Georgi Kobilarov

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