
Knoodl  <>version was deployed today.  It
contains significant new functionality, as well as some bug fixes and
performance enhancements.  The new features include:

* Graphical Query designer - SPARQL queries can be designed using a
graphical user interface and saved with the SPARQL query designer.  Queries
can be executed as background processing requests.

* Stored views - Custom formatted query results can be designed and
saved.  Views can be executed either directly from the view page, or
embedded within other wiki or vocabulary pages.  There are several built-in
components which can be embedded in a View, including maps, images, and
hyperlinks. A new role "Designer" has been added to the community
permissions.  The role allows designers to create and edit queries and

* Threaded, queryable Discussions - The existing Discussion feature has been
revamped so that, instead of a simple, free-form wiki page, each Discussion
page is now formatted in a threaded, comment-reply style.  Each comment on a
Discussion page is saved as an instance in a Discussion graph with
properties that describe the comment (i.e. the author, the time, the
resources in your ontology which are related to the comment, etc.).  This
Discussion graph can be queried using SPARQL.

* Internal SPARQL federation - SPARQL Queries can be federated across any
number of graphs stored in Knoodl, including Discussion graphs.

* HTTP service for graph updates - In the absence of a standard language for
updating RDF graphs, Knoodl now provides a simple HTTP-based service API for
external applications to insert and delete statements in RDF graphs.

If you have any inquiries or feedback about the new release or the tool in
general, please do not hesitate to contact me directly or email

Thank you,

Michael Lang Jr.
Ontology Architect
Revelytix, Inc. <>

phone: 410-584-0009 (office)
          443-928-3782 (cell)
skype: michael.allen.lang.jr

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