2009/12/14 Richard Light <rich...@light.demon.co.uk>:
> In message <c74badc3.20683%t.hamm...@nature.com>, "Hammond, Tony"
> <t.hamm...@nature.com> writes
>> Normal developers will always want simple.
> Surely what normal developers actually want are simple commands whereby data
> can be streamed in, and become available programmatically within their
> chosen development environment, without any further effort on their part?

To my mind that's very well put. But I would argue against that a
cost/benefit case - ok, it's programming hell, but it doubles your
salary - would any of us complain?

> Personally I don't see how providing a format which is easier for humans to
> read helps to achieve this.  Do normal developers like writing text parsers
> so much?

I don't know about you, but anything that helps avoiding writing
parsers is honey to me.

> Give 'em RDF and tell them to develop better toolsets ...

Why not?

> Come to that, RDF-to-JSON conversion could be a downstream service that
> someone else offers.  You don't have to do it all.

I am a bit annoyed we haven't got much pluggability between systems
yet, but strongly believe this is the right track.



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