Hi Niklas,

On 4 Jan 2010, at 22:32, Niklas Lindström wrote:
"Gluon is a JSON format for RDF. It has a full syntax covering
properties, resource references, bnodes and literals with optional
datatype or language. With profiles, more more succinct forms are

Thanks for the pointer! The compact (natural) example that you give at [1] is pretty much what I'd like to see as the JSON generated by default by a linked data API. Have you used this in anger anywhere?

What we're trying to do in the linked-data-api project [2] is thrash out not only what that JSON looks like but also how it might be generated automatically by a server sitting on top of a triplestore. But you say that you're working on a profiling mechanism? Perhaps we can join forces to work out what that might look like?



[2]: http://code.google.com/p/linked-data-api/
Jeni Tennison

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