> Our goal with the first release of the Fresnel vocabulary in 2006 was to have 
> more people (beyond us) play with it in different contexts and get feedback 
> so that the language could be enhanced iteratively. Maybe it is now time to 
> do such an iteration?

I am working on my own Fresnel 2. The spec should be finished in the coming 3 
months. It strips Fresnel to what features I consider minimal and adds other 
things that I've found useful, including editing features. If anyone is 
interested, I can make this spec public once it is finished and then everyone 
can comment on it. If someone thinks that I've left out an important feature, 
we now have the advantage of concrete use cases when adding it back in. That 
way, we should arrive at a streamlined new Fresnel. I would argue in favor of 
breaking compatibility, for the sake of simplicity. A script could be used to 
translate F1 to F2.

I do not want to impose and if what I do proves too controversial, I can always 

If there is to be a version 2 of Fresnel, a small group of people (5 max) 
should have the final word, to avoid "design by committee", where one tries to 
fulfill all wishes, but ends up fulfilling none. All this after carefully 
considering all community input, obviously.




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