Hi Nathan,

On 12 Mar 2010, at 14:00, Nathan wrote:
Last question(s) related to fragments.. if I have:

Those are two unique URIs and thus two unique resources (?)


And the semantics of a fragment means that
http://example.org/something#a is a secondary resource, where
http://example.org/something is the primary resource (?)

Then if I delete a Primary resource, the secondary resources must also
be deleted, true / false (?).

Here's my take on this.

The web is about representations of information resources. If you add RDF to the picture, then it's also about descriptions of arbitrary entities.

On the web, you can create and delete representations. You can create and delete descriptions. But you cannot create or delete resources.

For example, if you do an HTTP DELETE request to a URI, the representations at that URI are deleted. As a side effect, something in your system (file, database record, purchase order) might be deleted as well, because your system intrinsically connects the representation to that system-internal entity, but that side effect is part of the application's internals and not a concern for the web interface.

So, you can't really “delete” those primary and secondary resources. But if you delete all the representations of a primary resource, then this will delete the authoritative descriptions of the secondary resources, because those live inside the representations.


Here are some examples, which may seem like over kill but some are
interesting and generally I *feel* rules like this should be either
always true, or always false, never varying.

if I remove a database table, then all it's rows also no longer exist.
if I remove London then the Tower of London also no longer exists.
if somebody removes me, then my arms also no longer exist.
if I remove test.html then test.html#whatever no longer exists.
if I remove test.rdf then test.rdf#this no longer exists
if I remove http://www.w3.org/People/Berners-Lee/card then
http://www.w3.org/People/Berners-Lee/card#i no longer exists.

if I remove a row, the table still exists
if I remove the Tower of London, London still exists
if you remove my arms, I still exists and I'll find another way to type.
if I remove test.html#whatever test.html still exists
if I remove test.rdf#this, test.rdf still exists
if I remove http://www.w3.org/People/Berners-Lee/card#i then
http://www.w3.org/People/Berners-Lee/card still exists.

If the above is true (secondary resource must also be deleted on removal
of primary resource), then I should never use a fragment Identifier to
refer to a non-virtual object (i.e. "me" a Person) - because I can't be
deleted by simply removing a resource. (?)



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