
> and quote:
> "If the relation-type is a relative URI, its base URI MUST be
>    considered to be "";

Just for the record: the current draft of Web Linking is [1] and the
statement above is not present anymore, in there. However, you find
something alike in Appendix C.



Dr. Michael Hausenblas
LiDRC - Linked Data Research Centre
DERI - Digital Enterprise Research Institute
NUIG - National University of Ireland, Galway
Ireland, Europe
Tel. +353 91 495730

> From: Nathan <>
> Organization: webr3
> Reply-To: <>
> Date: Sat, 03 Apr 2010 00:14:16 +0100
> To: Danny Ayers <>
> Cc: Linked Data community <>
> Subject: Re: Using predicates which have no ontology?
> Resent-From: Linked Data community <>
> Resent-Date: Fri, 02 Apr 2010 23:14:54 +0000
> Danny Ayers wrote:
>> On 3 April 2010 00:53, Nathan <> wrote:
>>> Hi All,
>>> Any guidance on using predicates in linked data / rdf which do not come
>>> from rdfs/owl. Specifically I'm considering the range of:
>> Can't find a URL that resolves there
> snap; but that's what rel="edit" and so forth resolves to.
> see example:
> and quote:
> "If the relation-type is a relative URI, its base URI MUST be
>    considered to be "";
> obviously all the links defined by:
> (from the atom rfc)
>>> such as edit, self, related etc - with additional consideration to the
>>> thought that these will end up in rdf via RDFa/grddl etc v soon if not
>>> already.
>>> Any guidance?
>> By using something as a predicate you are making statements about it. But...
>> If you can find IANA terms like this, please use them - though beware
>> the page isn't the concept. You might have to map them over to your
>> own namespace, PURL URIs preferred.
> Would it make sense to knock up an ontology for all the standard
> link-relations and sameAs them through to the iana uri's?
> Best, Nathan

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