Hi All,

Over the past couple of months, the notion of bidirectional links and
"back-links" for linked data keeps playing on my mind.

In many scenarios I can see scope for wanting to be informed of
back-links / track-backs, especially when it comes to sameAs, seeAlso
and different use-cases such as decentralized discussions of subjects
and suchlike.

Regardless of the specific use-case, I think this is something many will
hit on as the web of linked data progresses (esp. read/write), and
wouldn't it be wonderful if methods had been pre-specified - or maybe
they already are and I just don't see it!

Please do see: "Should the links be monodirectional or bidirectional?"
at http://www.w3.org/DesignIssues/Topology.html

Many Regards,


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