
OntologyDesignPatterns.org is indeed the place to discuss ontology patterns. It's also good to know which patterns are useful in practice, and linked-data vocab patterns are used in vocabs that are themselves effectively used to describe data. The "known uses" field is actually empty for most patterns on the ODP portal, this should evolve as vocabularies are designed using patterns. Let's explicit links between the two efforts!


Dave Reynolds wrote:
Hi Leigh,

On 06/04/2010 16:10, Leigh Dodds wrote:
Hi folks,

Ian Davis and I have been working on a catalogue of Linked Data
patterns which we've put on-line as a free book. The work is licensed
under a Creative Commons attribution license.

This is is still a very early draft but already contains 30 patterns
covering identifiers, modelling, publishing and consuming Linked Data.


More background at [1]. We'd be interested to hear your comments, and
hope that it can become a useful resource for the growing community of

Looks like a great start, well done!

It would be nice to see some reference to, and inclusion of, the patterns than came out of SWBP. E.g. you currently seem to have one variant of the three n-ary relation patterns and I couldn't spot the classes-as-subjects pattern (but maybe didn't look hard enough).

Might also want to reference the ontology design patterns portal [1] which has some patterns relevant to the modelling section.

Any plans to make this a wiki so other people can contribute or at least comment?


[1] http://ontologydesignpatterns.org/wiki/Main_Page

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