And yet people like  Siri are doing just that calling APIs which do
indeed have lal the info you mention below.

I say any scenario that is of high value will be likely (already be)
covered faster and better by people doing ad hoc stuff, api mashups

however i suspect that linked data (i'd say web of data, linked later
by machine learning as i dont believe in people putting sameas links)
can and hopefully will shine in its ability to implement advanced
domain specific functionalities, e.g. special search engines or smart
software functionalities that support maller communities which enjoy
publishing their data etc in their respective websites and would have
use for intergration


2010/4/10 Juan Sequeda <>:
> Francois,
> The problem is the lack of data. If there is not real time concert data plus
> weather forecast and hotel prices and availability, we can't create such a
> linked data application.
> I'm interested in seeing what people can create with the current linked open
> data PLUS other data.
> We need to show what can be done and what problems can be solved thanks to
> Linked Data... and which couldn't be solved, or with a lot of effort without
> non-semweb tech
> Juan Sequeda
> +1-575-SEQ-UEDA
> 2010/4/9 François Dongier <>
>> I'm surprised, not to say puzzled, to see e-commerce popping us so late in
>> this conversation. I think the first useful application of linked data will
>> be an answer to questions such as "Where can I find a product with such and
>> such properties at the cheapest price?" and "What should I do this weekend?"
>> The weekend answer will integrate data such as weather forecast, concert
>> schedules, hotel prices, etc. And the Sparql parsing of the product question
>> seems pretty easy, if the data is accessible. This being said, I agree with
>> Bernard that this sort of questions are a bit futile. I just think the big
>> questions will be dealt with a bit later.
>> On Fri, Apr 9, 2010 at 9:35 PM, Melvin Carvalho <>
>> wrote:
>>> 2010/4/9 Georgi Kobilarov <>
>>>> Hi Bernard,
>>>> well, why did I ask people to write about their ideas for apps?
>>>> My observation is that there are zero real apps using linked open data
>>>> (i.e.
>>>> data from "the cloud"). Not even a single one. Null.
>>>> After 3 years of "linking open data"...
>>> Agree that there could be more apps, but I've seen a few that are
>>> useful.  Linked Geo Data and Data WIki spring to mind.
>>>> There are applications that re-use identifiers, and there are
>>>> applications
>>>> that use single, hand-picked data sources.  But let's be honest, that's
>>>> not
>>>> "using the linked data cloud". So, why's that? There must be a reason.
>>>> Which
>>>> part of the ecosystem sucks?
>>> I think limited support for sparql update means that linked data is
>>> largely read only.  When sparql 1.1 comes out, hopefully that will change.
>>>> In my opinion we won't get to solve that question if we stick to "linked
>>>> data will save the planet, one day". But instead, figure out which apps
>>>> people would want to build now, and then see why it's not possible. If
>>>> it
>>>> doesn't work on the small scale of some simple app, how will linked data
>>>> ever save our planet?
>>> Decentralization of data will become a growing theme.  5 years ago there
>>> were almost no blogs, but now blogs have changed the way we consume news.
>>> The newspaper industry has struggled to adapt to the decentralization of
>>> documents.  The end user is probably better off for it.
>>> I think one big area could be ecommerce, or data driven commerce.
>>> Decentralizing transactions (i would again use a data wiki driven solution
>>> for this) within our current legal framework could facilitate better control
>>> of peoples finances and offer a boost to the economy.  Countries like greece
>>> could benefit from a boost to their economy.  In fact, all countries could.
>>> WIth any decentralization process there's going to be winners and losers,
>>> but again hopefully the end user will be better off in the long term.
>>> WIll this equate to saving the planet?  Maybe, just maybe ... :)
>>>> Cheers,
>>>> Georgi
>>>> > -----Original Message-----
>>>> > From: Bernard Vatant []
>>>> > Sent: Friday, April 09, 2010 12:25 PM
>>>> > To: Georgi Kobilarov
>>>> > Cc: public-lod
>>>> > Subject: Re: What would you build with a web of data?
>>>> >
>>>> > Hi Georgi
>>>> > Copying below the comment I just posted on ReadWriteWeb. Looks like a
>>>> > rant, but could have been worse ... I could have added that if the Web
>>>> > of
>>>> > Data is used to find out more cute cats images, well, I wonder what I
>>>> > do
>>>> on
>>>> > this boat.
>>>> > I'm amazed, not to say frightened, by the egocentrism and lack of
>>>> > imagination of the applications proposed so far. Will the Web of Data
>>>> > be
>>>> an
>>>> > effective tool for tackling our planet critical issues, or just
>>>> > another
>>>> toy for
>>>> > spoiled children of the Web?
>>>> > I would like to see the Web of Data enable people anywhere in the
>>>> > world to
>>>> > find out smart, sustainable and low-cost solutions to their local
>>>> development
>>>> > issues. What are the success (or failure) stories in e.g., farming,
>>>> > water
>>>> supply,
>>>> > energy, education, health etc. in environments similar to mine,
>>>> > anywhere
>>>> in
>>>> > the world? Something along the lines of (of
>>>> > which data, BTW would be great to have in the Linked Data cloud).
>>>> > Best
>>>> > Bernard
>>>> >
>>>> > 2010/4/9 Georgi Kobilarov <>
>>>> > Yesterday issued a challenge on my blog for ideas for concrete linked
>>>> > open
>>>> > data applications. Because talking about concrete apps helps shaping
>>>> > the
>>>> > roadmap for the technical questions for the linked data community
>>>> > ahead.
>>>> > The
>>>> > real questions, not the theoretical ones...
>>>> >
>>>> > Richard MacManus of ReadWriteWeb picked up the challenge:
>>>> >
>>>> > build.php
>>>> >
>>>> > Let's be creative about stuff we'd build with the web of data. Assume
>>>> > the
>>>> > Linked Data Web would be there already, what would build?
>>>> >
>>>> > Cheers,
>>>> > Georgi
>>>> >
>>>> > --
>>>> > Georgi Kobilarov
>>>> > Uberblic Labs Berlin
>>>> >
>>>> >
>>>> >
>>>> >
>>>> >
>>>> > --
>>>> > Bernard Vatant
>>>> > Senior Consultant
>>>> > Vocabulary & Data Engineering
>>>> > Tel:       +33 (0) 971 488 459
>>>> > Mail:
>>>> > ----------------------------------------------------
>>>> > Mondeca
>>>> > 3, cité Nollez 75018 Paris France
>>>> > Web:
>>>> > Blog:
>>>> > ----------------------------------------------------

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