Joe Presbrey wrote:
> On Wed, Apr 21, 2010 at 2:26 PM, Nathan <> wrote:
>>>> I'm not sure about the Gx dereference at this point.  I guess this is
>>>> analogous to multiple groups being defined in the same graph and
>>>> distinguished by fragment.  Are you planning to do this like:
>> more GET uri, parse rdf and then check resulting triples.
> Say my group is <groups#users>.
> When I go HTTP GET <groups#users>, don't I actually get <groups>?
> If my rule had been simply:
> """group says who is in group"""
>   GRAPH <groups#users> {
>     <groups#users> <has_member> <webid> .
>   }
> it would fail. It should have been:
> """groups file says who is in users"""
>   GRAPH <groups> {
>     <groups#users> <has_member> <webid> .
>   }
> Of course had my source been TriG or SPARQL endpoint, the former may
> have been just fine depending on my schema.
> Is your plan to determine authorized named graphs automagically from
> the ACL or require them declared explicitly?

determine automagically, and sparql-less implementation - should be as
simple as:

GET <>
parse in to triples
foreach( triples as triple ) {
  if( triple->s == <> ) {
    if( triple->p == <has_member> ) {
      if( triple->o == <webid> ) {
         return TRUE;

but how to express that in acl+owl.. here's the full abridged run down
of the problem, rewritten to be as unambiguous as possible..


The problem is (should be) a very simple one.. I'm implementing ACL
using the acl ontology, all I want to do is handle a very simple group
based system where the uri of the group and the predicate are specified
in the acl file / graph.

for example given that an authenticated user is <>
then we simply want to check if the following triple exists

<> sioc:has_member <> .

or another simple example

<> foaf:knows <> .

We can take it for granted that the implementing system knows how to
dereference the uri's in the subject position to get the graphs.

So I suggest originally adding to properties to the acl ontology (badly
named but you can see what I'm getting at I'm sure.


so in the above two examples that would equate to acl's of:

[] a acl:Authorization ;
        acl:accessTo <> ;
        acl:agentGroupSource <> ;
        acl:agentGroupLink sioc:has_member ;
        acl:mode acl:Read .


[] a acl:Authorization ;
        acl:accessTo <> ;
        acl:agentGroupSource <> ;
        acl:agentGroupLink foaf:knows ;
        acl:mode acl:Read .

Seemed pretty simple to me and means it can be implemented with no owl
reasoning or suchlike.

Then I was pointed to acl:agentClass in unison with owl:equivalentClass
and owl:Restriction - and thus set about trying to "say" the above using
the aforementioned owl.

first point of call

[] a acl:Authorization ;
        acl:accessTo <> ;
        acl:agentClass _:myfriends ;
        acl:mode acl:Read .
_:myfriends owl:equivalentClass [
        a owl:Restriction ;
        owl:hasValue <> ;
        owl:onProperty sioc:has_member
        ] .

but that says

<> sioc:has_member <> .

then we try:

_:myfriends owl:equivalentClass [
        a owl:Restriction ;
        owl:hasValue <> ;
        owl:onProperty sioc:member_of
] .

now that says:

<> sioc:member_of <> .

which is the complete inverse of what we want and defeats the purpose
(as it would indicate dereferencing your webid and checking if your foaf
said you were a member!)

then we try:

_:myfriends owl:equivalentClass [
        a owl:Restriction ;
        owl:hasValue <> ;
        owl:onProperty [ owl:inverseOf sioc:has_member ]
] .

and that says:

<> _:x <> .
_:x owl:inverseOf sioc:has_member .

and here's where it get's grey; as I'm saying that in my implementation
to find out the truth I want to refactor the above in to:

<> sioc:has_member <> .

to check it for truth. to check the other way around we have the
aforementioned example of:

_:myfriends owl:equivalentClass [
        a owl:Restriction ;
        owl:hasValue <> ;
        owl:onProperty sioc:member_of
] .
<> sioc:member_of <> .

So I think I figured my way around it - but it isn't "correct" as far as
I'm being told, because obviously given:

<> _:x <> .
_:x owl:inverseOf sioc:has_member .


_:x owl:sameAs sioc:member_of .

thus entails:

<> sioc:member_of  <> .

which means that both options are identical some would say, but I want
to interpret them differently because I am dealing with named graphs,
and am asserting that:

"john says that he is a member of group1"
is completely different to
"group1 says that it has a member, john"

and the only way for me to express this distinction and infer where to
check is by using the two rules:

"john says that he is a member of group1":
_:myfriends owl:equivalentClass [
        a owl:Restriction ;
        owl:hasValue <> ;
        owl:onProperty sioc:member_of
] .

"group1 says that it has a member, john":
_:myfriends owl:equivalentClass [
        a owl:Restriction ;
        owl:hasValue <> ;
        owl:onProperty [ owl:inverseOf sioc:has_member ]
] .

and to check both ways we'd union the two, but that's a different matter
for a different time,

So back to the source, this should be bloody simple to express and
implement, the fact i even have to bring in restrictions and then use
them "incorrectly" must say something.

through all the debating though, I just want to make it work - half way
through an implementation of ACL and now blocked - again  :(



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