Hi Bob, I like the basic idea here because it matches a real modelling need to 
represent ordered collections/lists.
A vocabulary for that can be submitted as a design patterns on ODP [1] for 
public utility.

However, why do you want to represent ordered lists, slots and items as [ 
rdf:type owl:Class ] (or rdfs:Class)? While a list is a set mathematically 
speaking, is there any advantage in representing the lists you want to talk 
about as sets?

This has some bad consequences. In your example, SexMachine and GoodFoot are 
inferred to be [ rdf:type owl:Class ], not only [ rdf:type mo:Track ]. 
Therefore James Brown results to be the author (foaf:made) of an owl:Class 
(SexMachine), ehich is at least awkward :).

In order to avoid this consequence, while preserving the basic intuition of 
your vocabulary, you can have ordered lists, slots and items as [ rdf:type 
owl:Thing ] instead. As a related example that follows this practice, on ODP, 
there is the "collection entity" pattern [2], which can represent any kind of 
collection/list, and can be extended with your vocabulary to represent ordered 
lists with slots and indexes.


[1] http://www.ontologydesignpatterns.org
[2] http://www.ontologydesignpatterns.org/cp/owl/collectionentity.owl

On 28 Jun 2010, at 09:58, Bob Ferris wrote:

> Hello everybody,
> in a longer discussion in the Music Ontology mailing list about how to model 
> a playlist, Samer Abdallah came up with a very good proposal[1] of modelling 
> a sequence/ordered list (as recently also discussed at RDFNext Workshop[2]) 
> as semantic graph (in RDF).
> So, here we go:
> - specification[3] (please also note the anonymous inverse properties)
> - concepts and relations in a graphic[4]
> - funky playlist example[5,6]
> Again, thanks a lot Samer Abdallah for that cool concept.
> Comments, suggestions, critics are very welcome.
> Cheers,
> Bob
> PS: its all OWL based ;) however, we could also downgrade the concept on the 
> basis of rdfs:class, if needed.
> [1] 
> http://groups.google.com/group/music-ontology-specification-group/msg/305a42362a1e4145
> [2] http://www.w3.org/2009/12/rdf-ws/slides/rdflist.pdf
> [3] 
> http://motools.svn.sourceforge.net/viewvc/motools/orderedlistsonto/trunk/rdf/orderedlistontology.n3
> [4] 
> http://motools.svn.sourceforge.net/viewvc/motools/orderedlistsonto/trunk/gfx/olo_-_orderedlist.gif
> [5] 
> http://motools.svn.sourceforge.net/viewvc/motools/orderedlistsonto/trunk/examples/orderedlist_-_example.n3
> [6] 
> http://motools.svn.sourceforge.net/viewvc/motools/orderedlistsonto/trunk/gfx/olo_-_orderedlist_example.gif


Aldo Gangemi
Senior Researcher
Semantic Technology Lab (STLab)
Institute for Cognitive Science and Technology,
National Research Council (ISTC-CNR) 
Via Nomentana 56, 00161, Roma, Italy 
Tel: +390644161535
Fax: +390644161513
skype aldogangemi

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