Bob Ferris wrote:
Hi Ian,

Am 02.07.2010 12:26, schrieb Ian Davis:
On Fri, Jul 2, 2010 at 11:13 AM, Bob Ferris<>  wrote:
Hi Ian,

But now people are seeing some of

the data being made available in browseable form e.g. at
or dbpedia and saying, "I want to make one of those".

I don't really believe that people would say after browsing dbpedia "I want to make one of those". That's not the User Experience users expect to get.
Please remember the "Semantic-Web-UI" discussion last time. People are
tending to use/experience richer visualisations of the
data/knowledge/information in the background. I hear often, especially in
the last time, the term 'story telling' - and that's it, I think.

Actually there is a class of people that do say that. They want to be
the "dbpedia of X", whatever X is. No matter how much we can criticise
dbpedia for its appearance or data quality, we have to applaud the
fact that it defined a new category of service.

You are right, I welcomed it also, when people are saying after they have browsed dbpedia - "I want to make one of those". However, I believe also that the number X representing these people, is much smaller as the number Y of people wanting a richer User Experience.




Just as the DBpedia node lead to the LOD Cloud. There is similar movement (vertical and horizontal) re. organizations seeking their private and/or service specific variants.

You would be quite surprised at the number of DBpedia (and other LOD cloud nodes) variants already operating as private lookup oriented data spaces within organizations. This train left the station a long time ago.

People want the kind of valuable experience that dense lookup meshes like DBpedia (and the rest of LOD) accord.

What is Google when all is said an done? A huge Table (geographically splintered across a massive physical data storage complex).

People want to Find Stuff with Precision. That's one example of what Linked Data ultimately delivers without the underlying costs of a Google style data complex. We just need to continue to orient ourselves (Linked Data technology vendors) towards better user interaction patterns that align to problems that have reach breaking point with users.

Another example is an Open Social Web. Privacy matters, and there's lots of stuff from the Linked Data realm (e.g. WebIDs, FOAF+SSL, ACLs, Cloud Storage etc..) that will make this happen too.

BTW - thanks to veering this conversation to the practical rather than theoretical!



Kingsley Idehen President & CEO OpenLink Software Web:
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