
On 06/07/10 09:23, Danny Ayers wrote:
I've been studiously avoiding this rat king of a thread, but just on
this suggestion:

On 2 July 2010 11:16, Reto Bachmann-Gmuer<reto.bachm...@trialox.org>  wrote:
Serialization formats could support

"Jo" :nameOf :Jo

as a shortcut for

[ owl:sameAs "Jo"; :nameOf :Jo]

and a store could (internally) store the latter as

"Jo" :nameOf :Jo

for compactness and efficiency.

what about keeping the internal storage idea, but instead of owl:sameAs, using:

:Jo rdfs:value "Jo"

together with

:Jo rdf:type rdfs:Literal



Robert Fuller
Research Associate
Sindice Team
DERI, Galway

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