quote Mischa Tuffield (24.7.2010):

Hello Axel,

- OntoWiki [1] has a similar interactive query shell with SPARQL syntax highlightning, save queries and other features.

- The SparqlTrainer [2] is an e-learning tool to practice SPARQL interactively.

[1] http://code.google.com/p/ontowiki/
[2] http://aksw.org/Projects/SparqlTrainer

best regards


I make sure of this sparql query command line shell. It resembles the mysql shell, and you can point it at arbitrary sparql endpoints.


Very useful for development, testing sparql endpoints.

On 24 Jul 2010, at 12:09, Axel Rauschmayer wrote:

I wanted a hands-on session for my lecture on RDF, so I added an interactive 
shell to Hyena:

I'd be interested to know what others use to teach RDF (in a tutorial style).


Dr. Axel Rauschmayer
### Hyena: connected information manager, free at hypergraphs.de/hyena/

Sebastian Tramp - Department of Computer Science; University of Leipzig
WebID: http://sebastian.tramp.name  Tel. (Fax): +49 341 97 323-66 (-29)

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