### Deadline extended to the 27th of September
### (Apologies for multiple posting)

### Call for Papers Semantic Web Journal Special Issue on 
### Real-time and Ubiquitous Social Semantics

In the past few years, the Web has increasingly shifted from its initial 
document and librarian paradigm to an ecology of socially-generated data and 
services. Websites such as Twitter, Facebook, FourSquare, etc. emphasise the 
huge popularity of sharing information in real-time. In addition, the wealth 
and breadth of applications that exploit open social networking APIs to provide 
new services and functionalities are growing rapidly, enabling new ways to 
interact and browse this user-generated content.

At the same time, the deployment of network-enabled mobile devices, RFID and 
sensors, is realising the ubiquitous nature of social networks. More objects of 
our everyday life are getting connected to the Internet to become part of its 
applications, including the Web and social networking services. We are only 
starting to contemplate the potential of a wide Internet of things, but it is 
certain that in that new augmentation of our reality, the Semantic Web will be 
one of the cornerstones of interoperability.

Advances in the Semantic Web and Linked Data realms offer new capabilities for 
such paradigms, ranging from data integration to knowledge representation for 
such social data, objects, and service descriptions. However, many challenges 
remain to be addressed such as scalability, reasoning in dynamic contexts, 
quality and provenance, privacy and security, multi-modal accesses, context 
capture and awareness, etc. Nevertheless, Semantic Web frameworks provide the 
means to support the architecture of such real-time social and ubiquitous 

In this special issue, we seek contributions that tackle the issues of 
real-time and ubiquitous Social Semantics. In particular, we expect 
contributions addressing the following topics:

* From raw social data to semantic data
- semantic grounding of raw social data
- generation and aggregation of social semantics
- ontologies and data models for social data representation and analysis
- real-time semantic mining and analysis of social data
- trends and dynamics in social semantic web
- capturing and representing context in social networking

* Ubiquitous Web and social semantics
- integration of virtual and physical worlds
- integration tools, technologies, and platforms
- privacy, ethics, and confidentiality
- presence tracking and semantic augmentation
- semantic sensors and RFID

* social semantics on mobile devices
- Real-time querying frameworks and languages for social data
- stream querying and reasoning on social data
- location or time based reasoning, context based reasoning
- querying volatile, moving and dynamic networks and data sources
- dynamics, changesets and push-based notifications
- scalability, approximate reasoning and querying in social applications
- provenance and quality for querying social data

We solicit high-quality contributions addressing one or more of the 
aforementioned topics. Submissions should clearly address how they relate to 
the topic of this special issue (more than "potential" use-cases) and how the 
contribution enhances the state of the art in its particular domain. We 
especially welcome papers dealing with real data, description of deployed 
systems, and discussions on related experiments and methodology.

Papers must be submitted using the journal guidelines available at 
http://www.semantic-web-journal.net/authors. Upon submission on mstracker, the 
authors should mention "Social Semantics Special Issue" in the cover letter of 
their article. In addition, authors must keep in mind that the journal relies 
on an open and transparent review process and that their paper(s) will be 
available online during the review process. We suggest the authors to carefully 
check details of the review process at 

### Important dates

- Submissions: 27th of September (initially 12th of September)
- Reviews due: 14th of November (initially 31st of October)
- Camera-ready version: 12th of December (initially 28th of November)
- Online Publication: February 2011
- Printed Publication: March 2011

### Guest Editors

- Alexandre Passant - DERI, NUI Galway, Ireland - http://apassant.net - 
- Fabien Gandon, INRIA Sophia Antipolis, France - http://fabien.info - 
- Harith Alani - KMI, The Open University, UK - 
http://people.kmi.open.ac.uk/harith - h.al...@open.ac.uk

## Online version of the CfP at 

Dr. Alexandre Passant
Digital Enterprise Research Institute
National University of Ireland, Galway
:me owl:sameAs <http://apassant.net/alex> .

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