On Thu, 30 Sep 2010 09:06:46 +0200
Martin Hepp <martin.h...@ebusiness-unibw.org> wrote:

> 1. http://purl.org/vso/ns# for the ontology as an abstract artefact
> 2. http://purl.org/vso/ns for the syntactical representation of the  
> ontology (its serialization)
> Shall the rdfs:isDefinedBy statements refer to #1 or #2 ?

I tend to use the <#> URI as the URI for the Ontology, and the object
of rdfs:isDefinedBy triples. This is at least partly because I tend to
write vocabs in N3, which makes this easy.

        @prefix my: <http://example.com/my#> .

                a owl:Ontology ;
                rdfs:label "My Ontology"@en .

                a owl:Class ;
                rdfs:isDefinedBy my: .

Whereas I couldn't reuse the prefix if I were leaving off the hash of
the rdfs:isDefinedBy object URI. (Though I suppose <> would still be
usable as a shortcut.)

Toby A Inkster

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