
This is a very nice demo, well done!

Is the architecture generic enough to apply to other datasets?
Musicbrainz would be a good one once the new linked data version is



2010/10/17 Guillermo Álvaro Rey <>:
> Dear LODers,
> We have created a simple webapp that generates questions about cinema by
> querying the Linked Movie DataBase ([1], many thanks to Oktie et al. for
> that project and their support).
> The so-called "Linked Data Movie Quiz" is available at [2], as part of a
> contest where webapps had to be developed in less than 10KB [3].
> We hope that even if simple, and not accessing but a single repository, the
> application is able to showcase the power of using available Linked Data.
> (Indeed, a huge number of questions are automatically generated with very
> little code.) Doing well in the contest proved difficult, for there were
> very nice HTML5 demos in there, but I reckon it was good in terms of Linked
> Data evangelism. :-) (I tried to write during the contest, but somehow the
> email didn't make it through.)
> There are some more details about the LDMQ in [4]. We'll be glad if you try
> it out (advice: less bugs -but still some- if you don't use IE6 or 7) and
> send some feedback.
> Cheers,
> Guillermo (and Jorge)
> [1]
> [2]
> [3]
> [4]
> --
> Guillermo Álvaro Rey
> Researcher
> #T +34 91 334 97 43
> Edificio Testa - Avda. del Partenón 16-18, 1º, 7ª
> Campo de las Naciones
> 28042 MADRID
>             enabling the networked economy
>  P Please consider your environmental responsibility before printing this
> e-mail

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