Hi all,

To aid discussion I create a small demo of the idea put forth in my
blog post http://iand.posterous.com/is-303-really-necessary

Here is the URI of a toucan:


Here is the URI of a description of that toucan:


As you can see both these resources have distinct URIs.

I created a new property http://vocab.org/desc/schema/description to
link the toucan to its description. The schema for that property is


(BTW I looked at the powder describedBy property and it's clearly
designed to point to one particular type of description, not a general
RDF one. I also looked at
http://ontologydesignpatterns.org/ont/web/irw.owl and didn't see
anything suitable)

Here is the URI Burner view of the toucan resource and of its
description document:



I'd like to use this demo to focus on the main thrust of my question:
does this break the web  and if so, how?



P.S. I am not fully caught up on the other thread, so maybe someone
has already produced this demo

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