On Fri, Nov 5, 2010 at 10:34 AM, Nathan <nat...@webr3.org> wrote:
> and if I publish:
>  <http://webr3.org/nathan#me> :isKingOf :TheWorld .
> it's authorative and considered true?
> great news all round :)
No :)

I mean't that when you dereference
http://iandavis.com/2010/303/toucan, the triples you get about
http://iandavis.com/2010/303/toucan can be considered authoritative.
For me, that's one of the principle advantages of linked data over
other data formats - built in provenance if you will.

Also authoritative does not mean true. I means it asserts authority
over the data. That could very well be wrong, but it's the consumer's
choice whether they trust that authority or not (or can prove it


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