Toby Inkster wrote:
On Fri, 14 May 2010 17:53:50 +0100
Nathan <> wrote:

I'm wondering if there are any recommended paths for migrating RDF or specifically an ontology from slash to fragment URIs (?)

Cool URIs don't change.

Several months later..

UnCool URIs might have to change, so how would one go about it, specifically scoped to Vocabs/Ontologies at the minute.

Let's use FOAF as an example.

My gut feeling is to create a new Ontology, the same but using fragments, make it available at a new URI, then encourage people to use that instead.

As for BC and migration, have the relevant replaces/obsoletes/isReplacedBy/equivalentTo in both ontologies, then wait for migration to happen. You certainly remove the existing FOAF ontology, but why can't you migrate to a new one?

Surely, on this web of ours, we must have a way to correct mistakes, upgrade things or change designs.



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