I wrote up a summary of the current thinking on using 200 instead of
303 to serve up Linked Data:


The key part is:

When your webserver receives a GET request to your thing’s URI you may
respond with a 200 response code and include the content of the
description document in the response provided that you:

   1. include the URI of the description document in a
content-location header, and
   2. ensure the body of the response is the same as the body obtained
by performing a GET on the description document’s URI, and
   3. include a triple in the body of the response whose subject is
the URI of your thing, predicate is
http://www.w3.org/2007/05/powder-s#describedby and object is the URI
of your description document

But read the whole post for an example, some theory background and some FAQ.



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