On 11/26/10 4:47 PM, William Waites wrote:
* [2010-11-26 15:15:42 +0100] Bob Ferris<z...@elbklang.net>  écrit:
] I wrote a note as an attempt to clarify a bit the terms Resource,
] Information Resource and Document and their relations (from my point of
] view). Maybe this helps to figure out the bits of the current confusion.

So taking a cue from this thread, I've implemented something that I
think is in line with the original suggestion for a new dataset that
I'm working on. If you request, e.g.


with an Accept header indicating an interest in RDF data, you will get
a 200 response with a Content-Location header indicating that what is
returned is actually the GB8102507.rdf document. It seems to me that
this is enough information that a client needn't be confused between
the document and the book, "A good man in Africa". There is
foaf:primaryTopic linkage in the document that should also adequately
explain the state of affairs.

However it seems that some clients are confused -- tabulator for
instance as was pointed out in irc the other day.

My question is, should I change the behaviour to the standard 303
redirect or leave it as a stake in the ground saying that this is a
reasonable arrangement?



I see nothing wrong our client was able to extract a description by de-referencing your URI without being confused about Entity Name or Descriptor Document Address.


1. http://linkeddata.uriburner.com/about/html/http/bnb.bibliographica.org/entry/GB8102507 -- a description of the resource 2. http://linkeddata.uriburner.com/describe/?url=http%3A%2F%2Fbnb.bibliographica.org%2Fentry%2FGB8102507 -- ditto (if you follow "type" property values you will end up with a path to descriptions of other entities of type bibo:Book in this particular data space etc..) .



Kingsley Idehen 
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