Hi Annika,

"Our aim was to decide on a set of criteria that represent the quality of a data source. In this document, we understand a data source as an access point for Linked Data in the Web."

Does this mean that you consider only information services that follow the Linked Data principles? So would you exclude existing information services e.g., Wikipedia, MusicBrainz, Last.fm, Discogs, Echo Nest? I think it is crucial to have information service quality ratings especially for this kind of information services, because they are currently the backbone of the existing Linked Data services that do Linked Data information providing and information integration tasks.



Am 15.12.2010 20:49, schrieb Annika Flemming:
I'm a student at the Humboldt University of Berlin and I'm currently writing my 
diploma thesis under the supervision of Olaf Hartig. The aim of my thesis is to 
draw up a set of criteria to assess the quality of Linked Data sources. My 
findings include eleven criteria grouped into four categories. Each criterion 
includes a set of so-called indicators. These indicators constitute a 
measurable aspect of a criterion and, thus, allow for the assessment of the 
quality of a data source w.r.t the criteria.
I've written a summary of my findings, which can be accessed here:


To evaluate my findings, I decided to post this summary hoping to receive some 
feedback about the criteria and indicators I suggested. Moreover, I'd like to 
initiate a discussion about my findings, and about their applicability to a 
quality assessment of data sources.

Your comments might be included in my thesis, but I won't add any names.

OT: I think in a community it is quite natural to honour the people somehow, when they contributed useful (!) feedback. You might consider this ;)

A further summary will follow shortly, describing a formalism based on these 
criteria and its application to several data sources.

Thanks to everyone participating,

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