On 1/13/11 8:44 AM, Bob Ferris wrote:
"be strict when sending and tolerant when receiving" [1]

I guess, we shouldn't expect to much ;)



[1] http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc1958


That's the very reason why we sponge (retrieve) and transform rdfs:seeAlso property values in our clients, if need be. Basically, we use content negotiation algorithms to specify what we want, and then transform if we don't receive a structured data representation of a description graph, in desired format i.e., RDF family of formats, and a few others we know how to handle.

The need to transform data to reflect the "sense" of the data consumer is something we all have to live with (IMHO). If an app has a "linked data sense" (I like Nathan's phrase btw), then said app should take on the burden of transformation re. compatibility with its "sense", post negotiated data retrieval.



Kingsley Idehen 
President&  CEO
OpenLink Software
Web: http://www.openlinksw.com
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