On 1/13/11 12:17 PM, David Booth wrote:
FWIW, I also agree with Martin's comments.  It is the client's
responsibility to decide what to retrieve and accept:

1. The definition of rdfs:seeAlso very clearly states that "When such
representations may be retrieved, no constraints are placed on the
format of those representations."

2. Only the client can know what formats and how much data it wants.

3. The HTTP protocol already provides content negotiation and HEAD
features to allow a client to find out what formats and data quantity
are available before retrieving the data.

4. There is no hard and fast distinction between RDF data and non-RDF
data.  With the right de-serialization, *any* machine readable data can
be viewed as RDF.  This is not only what GRDDL does with plain XML, but
it is inherent to RDF itself, because RDF is a data model -- not a
syntax.  If the client can de-serialized from a particular format to
RDF, then the document can be viewed as RDF, regardless of whether it
can *also* be viewed as something else.  (After all, n3 can *also* be
viewed as plain text.)

IMO, if there are clients that ignore available HTTP features and
blindly retrieve large quantities of data that they cannot consume, then
those clients should be improved.


Nice summary. I agree with most of what you say bar this statement: RDF is a Data Model.

Okay, when speaking here, or in broader Semantic Web circles, the Model aspect in fine. But in reality, and when broadening the Linked Data tent is the fundamental goal, the "Model" aspect of RDF doesn't work i.e., people don't process it at all. This is the fundamental reason why I've stopped talking about RDF as a Model. It's why I say: Entity-Attribute-Value (plus Classes and Relationships, to be precise). Sadly, the gut reaction to this position has been for many to completely miss the point. I like many others -- seeking inclusion -- are tired of beating a dead horse.

The world perceives RDF differently (rightly or wrongly so). It sees a Markup Language. As you know, there is no such thing as a Language devoid of Schema. Trouble is that the communities of immediate interest (i.e. those outside LOD and broader Semantic Web tents) just don't care, so why burn time we don't have getting religious about "RDF" ?

I strongly believe that RDF preoccupation impedes Linked Data comprehension, adoption, and mass exploitation.

So to repeat, I absolutely agree with the essence of your comments. I just don't bother pushing the RDF Model angle anymore.



Kingsley Idehen 
President&  CEO
OpenLink Software
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