Hi Stephane

2011/1/15 Stephane Fellah <fella...@gmail.com>

> Sounds very interesting initiative. Based on my understanding, I think it
> should be possible to write a tool that read any OWL document and generate a
> VOAF document.

Indeed I've been thinking along those lines. The current dataset is
handcrafted as a prototype should be, but I'm indeed thinking now about ways
to generate the VOAF description automagically from the OWL or RDFS files.
Devil is in the details, though. Some information you can't really get by
conventional parsing of the graph, such as which namespaces are used, to
populate the voaf:reliesOn property. Those you can get by ad hoc syntactic
scripts, but vocabularies are published using a variety of syntaxes.

> May be Swoogle could be a good starting point, but not sure how the API can
> provide the list of ontology namespaces through the REST API.

I don't know either, but I'm sure someone will find a way :)

> The imports section would corresponds to the imports statement. The tools
> would count the number of classes and properties in the ontology namespace.
> It would be interesting to aggregate all this information and see which
> vocabularies have the most influence using SNA algorithms.

You are welcome to play along those lines. I think there are a lot of
opportunities and things to discover. This is just the beginning of the



Bernard Vatant
Senior Consultant
Vocabulary & Data Engineering
Tel:       +33 (0) 971 488 459
Mail:     bernard.vat...@mondeca.com
3, cité Nollez 75018 Paris France
Web:    http://www.mondeca.com
Blog:    http://mondeca.wordpress.com

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