On 1/17/11 5:09 PM, Martin Hepp wrote:
Hi All:
Thanks for the very useful feedback!

Just to clarify what I want to do:

There are many valuable commerce data resources available in XML and CSV on the Web. It is fairly straightforward to translate them into RDF, e.g. using GoodRelations. Now, whenever I create an RDF representation of that data in a new namespace, I may want to store the meta-data of the original HTTP GET request with which I fetched the XML or CSV file, and attach that meta-data to the resulting RDF graph.

This allows for (1) nice analytics and (2) data cleansing entirely in the SPARQL / RDF world later-on.

So the subject to which the meta-data will be attached will not be the resource URI (because there can naturally be multiple HTTP GET requests for the same resource), but instead the resulting graph or dataset.

Just double checking that you know the Virtuoso Sponger has always delivered the above. I typically disable this feature as many misunderstand these triples to be noise [1] :-(


1. http://linkeddata.uriburner.com/c/DQ7MQ4 -- ODE session based on Groupon Offer transformation 2. http://uriburner.com/fct/facet.vsp?cmd=load&fsq_id=68 -- shows results for search on entities associated with pattern: application/rdf+xml




Kingsley Idehen 
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