Just a quick reminder that the deadline for USEWOD2011 is approaching fast!

=============== Second Call for Papers ===============

        Workshop at WWW 2011 – Hyderabad, India, 28 or 29 March 2011

Important dates
        * Release of Dataset for the USEWOD Challenge: 21 December 2011
        * Paper submission deadline: 8 February 2011
        * Workshop and Prize for USEWOD Challenge: 28 or 29 March 2011

        * Long papers: up to 8 pages
        * Short papers: up to 4 pages
        * Data Challenge papers (see below): up to 4 pages
        all in ACM format 

This workshop will investigate the synergy between semantics and semantic-web 
technology on the one hand and analysis and mining of usage data on the other 
hand. The two fields are a promising combination. First, semantics can be used 
to enhance the analysis of usage data. Usage logs contain information that can 
help to better understand users or to adapt a system to a user’s needs and 
preferences. Now that more and more explicit knowledge is represented on the 
Web, in the form of ontologies, folksonomies, or linked data, the question 
arises how these semantics can be used to aid large scale web usage analysis 
and mining. Second, usage data analysis can enhance semantic resources as well 
as Semantic Web applications. Traces of users can be used to evaluate, adapt or 
personalize Semantic Web applications. Since logs record real-life users, they 
provide an opportunity to create gold standards for search or recommendation 
tools. In addition, logs can form valuable resources from which knowledge (e.g. 
in the form of ontologies or thesauri) can be extracted bottom-up.

Also, the emerging Web of Data demands a re-evaluation of existing usage mining 
techniques; new ways of accessing information enabled by the Web of Data imply 
the need to develop or adapt algorithms, methods, and techniques to analyze and 
interpret the usage of Web data instead of Web pages. An important question at 
this time is how the Web of Data is being used: how are datasets being accessed 
by human users and how by machines, what kinds of queries are being performed, 
and what can we learn about the usage of semantic applications?

The primary goals of this workshop are to foment a new community of researchers 
from various fields sharing an interest in usage mining and semantics and to 
create a roadmap for future research in this direction.

Data Challenge
In addition to regular papers, we will release a dataset of usage data (server 
log files) from two Linked Open Data sources: Semantic Web Dog Food 
(data.semanticweb.org) and DBpedia (dbpedia.org). Participants are invited to 
present interesting analyses, applications, alignments, etc. for these 
datasets, and to submit their findings as a Data Challenge paper. The best Data 
Challenge paper will get a prize.

Topics of interest
include, but are not limited to:
• Analysis and mining of usage logs of semantic resources and applications
• Inferring semantic information from usage logs
• Methods and tools for semantic analysis of usage logs
• Representing and enriching usage logs with semantic information
• Usage-based evaluation methods and frameworks; gold standards for evaluation 
of semantic web applications
• Specifics and semantics of logs for content-consumption and content-creation
• Using semantics for recommendation, personalization and adaptation
• Usage-based recommendation, personalization and adaptation of semantic web 
• Exploiting usage logs for semantic search
• Data sharing, privacy, and privacy-protecting policies and techniques

Workshop chairs
* Bettina Berendt,  K.U. Leuven, Belgium
* Laura Hollink, Delft University of Technology, The Netherlands
* Vera Hollink, Centre for Mathematics and Computer Science, Amsterdam, The 
* Markus Luczak-Roesch, Freie Universitaet Berlin, Germany
* Knud Moeller, DERI / National University of Ireland, Galway, Ireland
* David Vallet, Universidad Autonoma de Madrid, Spain
   ---> Please contact us at usewod2011-cha...@googlegroups.com

Program committee 
see the workshop web page: http://data.semanticweb.org/usewod/2011/

Knud Möller, PhD
+353 - 91 - 495086
Smile Group: http://smile.deri.ie
Digital Enterprise Research Institute
  National University of Ireland, Galway
Institiúid Taighde na Fiontraíochta Digití
  Ollscoil na hÉireann, Gaillimh

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