Hi Nathan, 

> [] a gr:ActualProductOrServiceInstance ,
>     <http://www.productontology.org/id/London>
>   gr:description "Condition: used." .

see http://www.productontology.org/#faq5 and 

"Q: Why is everything a gr:ProductOrService? Isn't this wrong and dangerous?

The semantics of gr:ProductOrService is basically that of a tangible or 
intangible object on which rights can granted or transferred, so even if social 
conventions tell us that rain, love, health, longevity, or sex should not be 
traded, they are not necessarily invalid as subclasses of gr:ProductOrService, 
because in some environments, it may be perfectly valid to sell rain or seek 
health by means of RDF and GoodRelations.

Q. Your idea sucks: I can even get a class definition for those Wikipedia 
lemmata that make absolutely no sense as a class.

First, this is not question but a statement. Second, yes, you are absolutely 
right: You can request a class definition for John F. Kennedy or Massachusetts 
in 2010. However,there is absolutely no harm in providing a nonsense class 
definition, unless someone uses this to annotate an object.

The only classes that we filter out are those for Wikipedia disambiguation 
pages, since they are mostly irrelevant as classes.

Our approach is grounded in the idea of Human Computation: Instead of 
identifying valid lemmata beforehand, we rather watch which identifiers will be 
used in real-world data. Again, meaningless class definitions do not harm; 
meaningless data may."


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