On 22 Mar 2011, at 12:37, Richard Cyganiak wrote:

> On 21 Mar 2011, at 13:05, Hugh Glaser wrote:
>> So I guess I need to do four patterns just to find all the exact "World Wide 
>> Web Consortium" English phrases (with and without @en and with and without 
>> datatype string).
>> Is that really right?
> Three -- you can't have both a datatype and a language tag on a literal.
Well that's good to know.
Mind you, since it is not a syntactic constraint (I think), that doesn't mean 
we couldn't find it, I suppose.
> This suggests two things:
> 1. xsd:string in RDF must die. It's one of those completely and utterly 
> useless pieces of rubbish that litter the RDF specs.
Perhaps you could tell us what you really think :-)
> 2. If you publish in multiple languages, then perhaps it's a good idea to 
> include a plain literal in a “default language” without a language tag, to 
> make SPARQLing easy.
> If publishers did that, we'd be back to one pattern.
> Best,
> Richard
So I would guess from this that it could be that some documents could be 
adjusted to recommend this sort of thing.
Certainly for 2; is it the case for 1 that technically there should be a type?

You are a good editor - can we do a little something?
Hugh Glaser,  
              Intelligence, Agents, Multimedia
              School of Electronics and Computer Science,
              University of Southampton,
              Southampton SO17 1BJ
Work: +44 23 8059 3670, Fax: +44 23 8059 3045
Mobile: +44 78 9422 3822, Home: +44 23 8061 5652

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