On Thu, Apr 7, 2011 at 2:17 PM, Kingsley Idehen <kide...@openlinksw.com> wrote:
> The beauty of the Web (to me) is that it's architecture ultimately
> allows everyone to "agree to disagree", without going to war.

Yes, achieving better ways to understand the agreements, the
disagreements, and the technical failures is as good of a goal as any.

> I think the Web will allow user agents coalesce around data spaces that over
> value. Others will simply wither away over time. No set of draconian rules
> will avert this reality because said reality is wired into the fabric of
> scale-free networks such as the Web.

I agree. I don't think one can demand more than that. We can hope to
try to aid that (loose) process.

> I believe Data Wikis will go long way to crowd sourcing data reconciliation.
> Of course, for that to happen you need access control lists (ACLs) and
> verifiable identity, which is why the WebID protocol (an application of
> Linked Data) is so important to this whole topic of subjective data quality.

I am not familiar with that, but I'll look at it. Off the cuff, I have
doubts an ACLs are appropriate for the web, where the nature of URLs
seems to have a built-in affinity to a capability-based access

> If the logic is already making its way into the data, why not make
> conversations about data reconciliation part of the data too? Wikipedia
> sorta, works, but Data Wikis will take this matter to much greater heights.
> We'll never be able to compute "Why" from "Who", "What", "Where", and "When"
> data with 100% precision. Adding reconciliatory conversations into the data
> via Data Wikis will get us much closer than we are today.

I think I am with you.


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