On 4/13/11 8:32 AM, Mischa Tuffield wrote:
I have data somewhere (need to recall on which machine), will dig it up and circulate soon, I imagine it will take me over a week or so, so please bare with me on this.


Linked Open People Profiles (LOP or LOPP)  Cloud is there for the taking.

Last time I heard a TimBL hint about (suggest) a growth oriented cloud depiction it lead to the now famous LOD cloud :-)

The more growth oriented cloud depictions the better. As time has demonstrated, they make for awesome marketing collateral.


On 13 Apr 2011, at 14:30, Tim Berners-Lee wrote:

Nice picture .. don't suppose you have any data at previous times so we can see the growth?


On 2011-04 -13, at 07:37, Mischa Tuffield wrote:

Hi All,

I was looking at the number of foaf files on the web over a year ago now, output looks like so :

http://mmt.me.uk/slides/lod24022010/#(16) <http://mmt.me.uk/slides/lod24022010/#%2816%29>




Kingsley Idehen 
President&  CEO
OpenLink Software
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