On 5/6/11 7:53 AM, Egon Willighagen wrote:
Dear Frans,

On Fri, May 6, 2011 at 1:02 PM, Frans Knibbe<frans.kni...@geodan.nl>  wrote:
I notice that it would be really helpful if I could automatically generate
HTML files based on the RDF files. That way I can focus on just keeping the
RDF file in good shape. After creating or editing an RDF file I could run
something that makes a HTML representation.


A very simple approach is to use standard web software, which everyone
has installed already: a normal webbrowser, a normal webserver,

What is a normal Web Server? Linked Data is about a different Web dimension. Even on the conventional front, how many people manage their own Web Server?

In the pre Web era people installed Access, FoxPRO, Filemaker PRO, Paradox, DBase, Excel etc.. on their desktops or workgroup servers. All of these products are/were capable of importing data and then allowing users make Views and Reports. The shortcoming of all of these products is that the output was in binary format and sharing data required everyone to acquire a copy of these software products.

Linked Data changes the warped scenario I described above by allowing people install products (various i.e, beyond concept of "standard web server") and then use import, export, and "save as.." patterns to share data. The data in question simply needs to take the form of an entity-attribute-value graph where resolvable URIs (de-reference and address-of combo) a valid reference value types in the entity, attribute, value (optionally) slots.

E.g. checkout this Resource:


What's increasingly lost re. Linked Data is that every resource needs to be a structured data source where information and data sources are decoupled. Basically, every resource should be a structured data source in its own right that allows humans or machines to deductively discover linked data graphs in preferred/desired representation formats.


1. http://linkeddata.informatik.hu-berlin.de/uridbg/index.php?url=http%3A%2F%2Frdf.openmolecules.net%2F%3FInChI%3D1%2FCH4%2Fh1H4&useragentheader=&acceptheader= -- this is your page

2. http://linkeddata.informatik.hu-berlin.de/uridbg/index.php?url=http%3A%2F%2Furiburner.com%2Fdescribe%2F%3Furi%3Dhttp%3A%2F%2Fdbpedia.org%2Fresource%2FLinked_Data&useragentheader=&acceptheader= -- here is what you get just by importing RDF into Virtuoso as per my earlier response .

The point above isn't to knock your suggestion (far from it), I am juxtaposing so you can see what I mean re. deeper aspects of Linked Data Deployment that uses loose coupling or information and data to ensure every resource is a human or machine comprehensible structured data source. Basically, this means:

1. Use of <link/> within <head/> -- for user agents that understand Web Linking patterns 2. Use of "Link:" in HTTP response headers -- for user agents that understand HTTP response metadata 3. Page Footer links to different representation formats -- for humans via HTML page that also includes RDFa.

The web server will always return RDF/XML, and this XML document has
an associated XSLT stylesheet which is used by your web browser to
create human-targeted HTML, by using this line in the document:

<?xml-stylesheet type="text/xsl" href="http://rdf.openmolecules.net/html.xsl";?>

See my comments above re. going a little deeper re. Linked Data vector patterns for the InterWeb :-)




Kingsley Idehen 
President&  CEO
OpenLink Software
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