On 5/18/11 4:14 PM, Michael F Uschold wrote:

    But to say it from my point of view: machines need to think in
    ids, people need to think in names. The RDF/SPARQL "stack", such
    as it is, has not internalized the implications of this duality,
    and thus isn't really prepared to support both audiences properly.

*Very well put, Glenn! *

A Name is a Kind of ID i.e., and Identification mechanism without any location constraints. An Address introduces location constraint :-) Thus, we still ultimately have to deal with the operator functionality matter that drives hyperlinks i.e., de-reference (indirection) and address-of .

Pictorial:  HyperLink [Name | Address].

Web Users recognize and experience HyperLinks via browser driven interaction patterns that accentuate the 'Address' function, solely.

AWWW based Linked Data meme brings focus to the 'Name' function (with the 'Address' function exposed via indirection). Trouble is that the 'Name' function is unknown via inexperience to users due to browser usage pattern induced autism.

The elephant in the room is this re. HyperLink based Linked Data structures: one aspect ('Name') benefits from identifier opacity while the other ('Address') benefits from hack-ability. The overall narrative negates this reality by conflating an issue that depends on ingenious exploitation of Name/Address ambiguity.

303 indirection is just another way of saying: via Links we can deliver indirection that enables Names to act as conduits to actual Referent Representation. This is good old computer science. Let's not carve out an island gobbledygook from the existing continent of established computer science re., data access by reference pattern.

This has zilch to do with RDF bar the fact that its uses URIs as Identifiers. To this very day, RDF says nothing about the expected behavior of URIs beyond the fact that they are Identifiers. Thus, this is simply a Linked Data matter where the goal is construction Linked Data Structures (using EAV/SPO Graph pictorials) via Hyperlinks.



Kingsley Idehen 
President&  CEO
OpenLink Software
Web: http://www.openlinksw.com
Weblog: http://www.openlinksw.com/blog/~kidehen
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